Talked to Angelia during our 1hour break yesterday. We have got so much things to talk. So many 'hot' topic to talk each time. Ya, something i really find it shocked and i'm sure you know what i'm referring to :) At least i finally told you all those things. But even if i never tell you, i'm sure you know it too. If geraldine is in our class, you can entertain me already. Lol.
And yes! Tomorrow is lesbian's birthday. woohoo. But seriously, i've got no time to get your present. Has been really busy lately.
Mother tongue intensive started yesterday. basically, this two week will be having only chinese lesson, from morning 8am all the way to 5pm. keep on doing other schools MYE paper, really can kill me. Some time really wanted to fall asleep but still pay attention. Unlike Angelia, kept on playing Sudoku. i think i should confiscate your phone. Haha (: Really focused on doing the paper which is a good thing, so that i won't think of other unhappy thing.
I agreed both of us are very noisy. We kept talking in class and made so much noise. laugh at the teacher. But of course, we're controlling our laughter as teacher is standing right in front of us talking. 7 more days to go. Phanie must hang on there! I just hope that i could do well for 1 june O'level paper tongue paper. So that i will not need to re-take and waste my time for afternoon coach programme in term 3 :)
Feel so restless everyday ..
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