Monday blues.
Took height and weight measurement during PE. Great thing is that I didn't put on weight but grew taller. Well, i just think that the measurement was somehow wrong. I possibly can't grow 1.5cm taller within about month.
Watched '28weeks later' during LCD lesson. It's a M18 movie. The movie is so grossed! Didn't manage to finish watching the show ):
Mother tongue intensive after school. Combined with the express class. Had a test, this test will depend which class we'll go for the two weeks intensive. I don't want to be separate with Angelia. So i hope that we will score about the same marks. Wahaha :D
slept at approximately 1am last night. Tossed and turned. Resulted to be extremely tired, especially during English lesson. Mrs Tan keep on reminding me to sit up straight. But i still continued to lie on the table. Slept at Finna's shoulder. SO comfort~ Then i turned my head and realised many human beings is sleeping.
A happy day, i suppose.
Do i trust you?
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