I blog for the sake of Finna. She demanded me to blog one long post about her. Since i just finish doing coursework, i shall blog about it as to fulfil her wish. Hehe
Finna seated next to me in class. she's my partner. She always hyper and crapped with me in class. When we have nothing better to do, we'll sing song :D She has alot of "boyfriends".
We have been in the same class since Seconday One, which means five year of classmate. We starting getting very close only last year, i think. I used to call her tweety bird in Sec1.
Finna always bully me in class =/ Yesterday, she went home after school. When she come for coach, she purposely used all things red in colour. Red hairband, red watch and red crumpler bag :@
We will help one another in school work when we faced problem solving questions. I think she loves cookie monster. Finna loves to bite people also. She copy me de. I'm the one started to bite her first, then she go around biting others.
Today, Finna and I had lunch at pizza hut. We talked about our things. We're late for coach already. we laughed like some asshole when arriving school. laughed non-stop.
Finna has small ear, like monkey. Oooops! anyway, Finna is a monkey.