work at yishun . wahahahs x))
meet up chloe at 415pm at marsiling mrt station . but me and her was late . hees xP.!
saw eepheng at marsiling mrt station .
went to cwp . actually ii wanna go 77th street to redempt the point de , but forgot to bring the card .
went to long john to have my lunch . msg william ask he come first
finish eating liao then he come .
went to arcade first , andy went there to find us . then , yiheng come .
was late le , quickly go off . waiting for chong wei at interchange . saw xiao yang at interchange too . he zhu zu me luhs , then ii go there .
bus haven come yet , chatted with him for several minutes . 969 came , ii tot we suppose to board , then ii realised we're waiting for chong wei .
hmm , xiao yang now selling evergreen de ice cream . he ytd first time do luhs .
he spent all his $ in clubbing saturday . ahahahs xD
chong wei came , went to take cab le , cause is really very late le .
actually xiao yang worked de evergreen is last year ii sell de . saw amelia there .
take 2 cab , share with chloe william . ER er zi XIAO er zi and chong wei one .
took the trolley le , slack at the auntie shop . buy food and drink to eat . ahahahas
ahahas . raining raining raining ! so cold can .
rain stopped , wanted to go to our block with andy and william , but started to rain again . uurgh
rain getting heavier and heavier . shit* went inside the block first . 730pm le , still haven start work . wth
andy wallet lost . guess is lost at the cab . sad for him xP . his ez-link card just made , now lost )):
rain haven stop , don't care le . just go luhs . all drenched . so cold
walk first block nia . when push the trolley down , chloe fall down . ii scared tio
laughing away . dowan sell le . went to look for andy . their block de ppl very good loh .
way to andy's block , chloe fall down again , ii donno she fall down , ii walk infront , heard her scream then ii noe . her short very dirty le .
ytd de ice cream not me and chloe sell de , all is andy and william sell de .
thank you , ANDY and WILLIAM !
thank thank thank . they super great luhs ! xP
i miss him ,
hao xiang ta !<3
waiting , )):
`phanie LOVEhim
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