Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Changed of English and Physics teacher. Though Mrs Heikel is gonna be strict towards us, but she joked with us. Also, our class will be quieter than before. It's kind of automatic quiet. I think our class need more discipline teacher to teach us in order for us to settle down. However, as for Physics, I think i will still preferred Mr Flavian. Good news! The school hall is gonna be air-conditioned by August. Which mean, I can take my prelims and O'level in air-con hall. Awesome! I won't be piss off by the hot weather.
Got sent to detention for one day as i skipped one lesson of booster programme. Did English 2008 O'level comprehension there. As i wasn't in the class, I heard from Yana that Mr Justin made a comparison between our class and 5N1. They did so much better than us during Mid-Year. We know from the start that their standard are so much better than us, almost all get pass with 60, 70 marks. We, always wanted to create a history in 5N2. We, believe that if we work hard, we'll be able to pass well and move on to polytechnic instead of ITE. At the start of the year, many teachers came in to our class and adviced us to go to ITE as the passes of 5N2 are always very low. It's either one or less than five who can move on to poly, but we insisted to stay. We wanted to create a history. So, we must work hard from now. Last lap! Last lap!
O'level Mother Tongue Oral is this coming Thursday. I hope i won't be on the first day. I really scare of the conversation. Scare that I wouldn't know how to answer for it. Please, don't come out all those about Singapore or country thing. I know nothing as i hardly listen to news or read newspaper. -.-
Sunday, June 28, 2009
sleeping pill
Saturday, June 27, 2009
When school start, it means soon O'level is around the corner. It's 121days to O'level English paper. Please, English man!
Suddenly very emo now :(
Michael Jackson Quotes If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
Still counting
I'll never forget. It will always stay deep down my heart. I am still here counting and never want to let time to erase all the memories. I don't want other small little unhappiness thing to bring down my mood. I'm happy and is leading a "good life". I don't know how long it will carry on, but just to hope and pray hard that I'll always stay happy and be strong.
I will try to learn how to get back when I fall down. No matter how many times I've fall, I'm still strong and will be able to get up. Even though I've been doing foolish thing at times, but it will make me feel so much better. I won't want to do all those acts again. The scar never erase and will stay with me forever, which I really very regret for doing it. Though everytime people ask me why, I'll still lie to them, as well as myself, that it'll recover. The ugly scar will not disappear. Whenever i see it, I will think of if time can be turn back, I will not let the thing happen.
I'm trying very hard. And I hope you(r) can see it. Though it's stupid and not worth the doing. I never want to say anything else other than that. I know what, you know what and everyone who understand know what it is.
I would want time to move faster now, so that I'll be able to know what will happen in future and to know the ending. However, I'm afraid to face the future as I'm fear that the ending is not what i hope for. I admit that I'm coward. I yearn for you.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy or Sad?
No extra one week holiday?! D:
When i was about to go buy groceries at Fairprice, guess who I see? It's JumaliaPrettiestFriend and Fazlina, it has been a week since i last see them. Seriously i miss all my girls very much. I guess we can only see each other when school reopen ):
Monday, June 22, 2009
Nothing but lies
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Care bear
Look at the picture below. I didn't know that Sinle needed so many different kind of sauces when eating only one Macdonald's meal. She's really crazy. When i tasted BBQ and Sweet & sour sauce, the taste really EEEEEk!
Top left: BBQ sauce, Sweet & sour sauce, Garlic chilli
Right left: Curry sauce, Mayonnaise sauce, Ketchup
I still haven get the Ipod Nano. Though i don't really need it, but i want it. It's so cool. Lol. That time i went to SimLim with mum, I ask the person got Red colour, he said don't have. He said no shop got Red colour unless order online. Mum said Pink look nice, but i think Yellow or Orange would be nicer. Haha. As i seriously don't like Pink. Actually all the colours are nice. Hehe. I found 6packets of kinder bueno in fridge, which means 12bars. And recently, I bought a packet of Kit Kat, big one. Lol. I think im crazy!
I met Hon Shirley for lunch yesterday. It has been months since we last met. Settled down at Civic Macdonald's. Catch up with one another, talked and crapped alot. When we were walking to causeway, we saw JieQi. So we stopped and talked about her poly life, O'level and stuff. I've been spending alot of money this holiday. I just bought a new bag last Saturday, and yesterday I newly about to buy another new bag. Lol.
I'm really not in the mood. While talking to Shirley, my mind was actually thinking about some stuff that really cannot make my mind at ease. I was listening to her, but at the same time thinking about other thing. KAO~ I think i really need to sit down and relax myself. Things aren't moving at the right path.
Lastly, I would like to end this post with this picture >
Which kind soul will buy this 7 adorable care bear for me? Lol.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Family
You started avoiding me, came home late. I make sure I hit the bed before you every night, even if I haven't sleep and you came home, I'll pretend that I went to my la la land. Else, I'll wait until you have sleep then i dare to step into the room. It's pretty awkward.
I read it and I started wondering is it because of that? I've disappointed and upset you. What did I done wrong? Still, so many question marks above my head! I wanted to clarify with you, but i don't dare. Some times I'm just afraid to face you. May be I should just let things hanging like this. It's already happened so long. For how long this cold war will end? When is the day that we still can talk normally, going out together?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's not about myself anymore.
Let's talk about some random things.
#1: Miss Judith said from this year onwards, Passing-Out-Parade will be held in June Choir Camp. This is to make each Choir camp a memorable one. Handyway, i love this year's gift. Name inside gel. So cool! i've took the photo, but lazy to upload.
#2: Finally, i'm done with F&N coursework Part A last weekend. No need to touch it again. The only thing i've to wait for is coursework Part B. I hope that the task is gonna be an easy one. Otherwise, i'll get my buttock infront of computer the 7days doing that coursework.
#3: I hope the sentosa trip will be comfirm asap. I want play beach volleyball! Haha :D
#4: Slept so many hours today. I wondered if i can turn in early tonight. RC is currently under maintenance. This is bored ..
#5: I promised myself to start study next week and to get geography complete. Two weeks of holiday has gone. Now is the third week. Really don't wish school to reopen so quickly. Or rather, don't wish to study ..
Don't know what's wrong with my stomach. Pain from this morning. But now a little okay already. okay .. Why are there so many June babies? Finna Mahadi, tell me what you want!
okay! Done with crapping.
The little surprise for Angelia.
Angelia, i missed the three little cute doggy. Lol.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bad hair day
15th June: Happy birthday Angelia.
Went out with Angelia, Sinle, Finna, Fazlina and Jumalia. Had lunch at Pizza Hut. We ordered alot of side dishes. I'm so hungry at first. I'm full after having a bowl of mushroom soup. Shared my pizza with Ju and Faz. Aftermath, headed to Cineleisure for movie, 'Dance Subaru'. A very nice and touching movie. Highly recommend. It seems like laughing in the threatre is wrong -.- I learn something from the movie. When someone is gossiping about me, it should be thankful. Cause it shows that you care about me.
More photos to be uploaded :)
Sinle stayed over my house . Watch tv, browse through the little photo album. And we laughed out loud. Looking at our past year Class photos, we laughed. Everyone changed. Watch tv, talked alot. We didn't watch tv but just left showing. Then went to bed around 2am.
Just came back from lunch not long ago with Ter Sin Le. She went back to Malaysia already. The time now is 4:27pm. She should reach home in about 30minutes time? Haha. Seriously, I need a hair cut. My current hair suckkkkkkk la! ):
Two weeks of holiday. I did not do any reading. I guessed i have to start studying already. Geography homework is awaiting for me. Gonna do some read-up and leave my RC. But the moment i open up my book, I'll be extremely tired and headache. I must change this habit.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My stomach is getting bigger! I'm FAT again laaaaaaaaa. Must do exercise already. Alright. Have to chiong coursework already.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Helped out the guys for F&N after chemistry. Chopped too much onion just now, my hand is now full of onion smell. It stinks! Yesyes! My raisin muffins look great today! Haha :D Mdm P baked one cake for Anshari's birthday. The weather is so effing hot.
What the fuck! I did time plan and evaluation on monday. But i saved in my workspace as i forgot to bring thumbdrive. Now i don't have a copy and i'll have to re-do it again. Assssssssssshole! waste my time doing that day. Gonna start doing again, and must complete by Saturday. First send first basis. Alright! My stomach is calling for fooddddddd.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Currently at friend house as i forgotten to bring key when i left for school this morning.
Angelia, stay strong alright! We know that you can do it. I teared when i read your blog. We will all be here for you alright.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Practical exam
Practical went smoothly even though some problems occur. I can't stop laughing when Finna showed teacher attitude. This is so funny. HAHA :) After she showed, i showed. Lol. When we ask her some question, she will answer the wrong thing. Thank to May, she is busier than the 5 cooker. Lol. I'm so so so tired now. Gonna get some rest.
Mcdonald's breakfast tomorrow, anyone? :D
Monday, June 08, 2009

Initially, we wanted to look out for F&N things, but we ended up shopping -.- I was in a shopping mood, totally very hyper. Aftermath, we went to giant to buy our ingredients. Haha. We had our plan. You girls must help me alright!
Went home, my brother took away one box of biscuit :@ I knew it that he would snatch with me. Haha.
Not all came for F&N lesson today. I acutally showed Mdm P attitude. She seem to expect me to know what time the rest is coming or so. So frad up. Did coursework and went down to food lab2 to get prepare for the plates and equipments that we need tomorrow.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
The reason
Finna very mean! blood my tagboard when i'm not around. I know you miss me but no need to do this. Haha :D
Tried out one of the practical dish just now but failed! I always failed one D: Hopefully at the day itself, i can manage it and definitely I need someone help as well. I don't want to be like last year, broke down suddenly.
Not in the mood for blogging. No interest already.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
A pathetic of only 7 out of 11 students came for lesson. Get to know only today that Farhan has also dropped F&N. Faiz is still under considering. How about all of us drop?! Lol. Touch up on planning for F&N. Bearly sitting there for approximately 3hour 30min, getting only shopping list done. Guess what i did there?! Restaurant city and window messaging.
Before Mdm Foong left, she told us to use the kitchen plate. Now, Mdm P. told us to get those cute plates that are suitable for kids as the kitchen plate are too plain. WTH -.-!! Both say different things.
Mcdonald with Yana. Had a chat there. Went to sportslink to check whether my nike tank top is still in stock :D Yes! There is.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Sorry, i just need my sleeping pills tonight. Good night!
beneath my words
Had morning cum lunch at Food Horizon with Finna, Angelia and Yana. Cabbed to school as we were late already. As we were 'running' towards the taxi stand, my shoe fly out. -.- All of us burst out laughing! Had geography lesson. Learn about World map and map of South East Asia. Causeway with Finna aftermath. Check out sandals at Charles and Keith. Yes! I found one. But haven't buy yet. To popular for stationary and we bought a same pencil case. A childish one with printer cartoon :D
Alright. It's time to start revising now. I promised that I'll study. Before i get started, I think i should really clean up my house first. I find it so messy. Even since i revised for MYE a month ago, I placed my books anyhow, making my living room so untidy now. Books on sofa, all tables, floor, chair and even at the side of my bed. Stupid -.-!
Tomorrow having F&N lesson. Seriously, I'm still not ready for practical next Tuesday. Not use to have F&N lessons as well. It has been two weeks since i have not touch on F&N. I wonder how tomorrow will be like.
Monday, June 01, 2009
take me away
Though June holiday is here but it wouldn't be a best and good holiday. Infact, it will be nightmare after nightmare. I will live with a heavy heart each day. Seriously, I don't know why am i here right now? May be too much thoughts? Alright, i shall keep the words to myself. It would be best for everyone then! :D
Good Night.
Screw it
I don't know how to say for today's paper. Somehow screw it, re-take for sure. No confident at all! I didn't write as many as i can. Sure see what's the result in coming August then.
Freaking tired now. Moodless!
Happy Birthday Shirley Lim (: